Our Impact

We’re passionate about what we do

Compost on hand

The loop starts with you and ends with returned nutrients to your soil

Our Compost is Source Separated Organics material derived from food scraps, as well as leaf and yard trimmings coming from green bin recycling programs. The compost plants are located in the City of Hamilton, and Guelph. The city green bin programs do not accept plastic bags, hygiene products, diapers, human/pet waste or biosolids. Once raw feedstock is brought to the facility, it goes through a detailed testing program, pasteurization and advanced screening process before it is produced into compost.

These processes allow the compost to be certified as Ontario’s highest grade of AA unrestricted compost – being high in organic matter and water retention capabilities.

To learn more about what value added Soil Fertilizers we can offer please visit the Value-Added Products page.

There’s more to it than just compost

Our mission is to provide solutions that leave a positive impact on our environment:

  • The development of our compost product has helped divert thousands of tons of green bin waste from the landfill each and every year.
  • Reducing GHG emissions is another goal of ours with over 200,000 metric tons of avoided CO2 emissions annually across Canada.
  • We’re focused on using the resources we have within our Canadian borders. Our goal is to encourage a self-sustaining economy and rely less on imports.

Learn more about us

Our passion is to be immersed in our community through finding innovative ways to promote sustainability. Lifecycle is a municipal green bin compost and soil fertilizer supply company located in Southern Ontario, expanding product lines and locations within Ontario and Canada. Learn all about our facilities across the country on our website at :
